Friday, July 6, 2012

A rainy Friday evening

Rachael arrived on Tuesday evening after spending a LONG time in traffic coming back from Guatemala City with Sergio. She and Julie have been working hard on getting fecal samples from all the kids in five different schools and trying to set up meetings with teachers and parents to teach about basic hygiene and how to prevent and treat parasites.

Yesterday was the child sponsorship distribution for the month of July. We are up to 155 kids sponsored in Guatemala! We also took photos and filled out brief questionnaires that will be sent out to the sponsors.

Construction continues on the house for Cesi Sucely and her family.

1 comment:

  1. Hellllllloooooo To Rachael C. and everyone down there in Guatemala on this July 10, 2012.

    Here's a prayer for your safety and latex gloves for all of you doing fecal sample collections. Mother Theresa is proud. Love ma ma
