Saturday, January 28, 2012

The PID compound is all aflutter preparing for our big beach outing tomorrow. Santilia and her...

The PID compound is all aflutter preparing for our big beach outing tomorrow. Santilia and her daughters are cooking, Pouchon and Wilbur are washing the bus, and excitement is in the air.

We had a mobile clinic this morning at Damien and saw 35 sick people. Three of the midwives from the Birth Attendant class came to see us. This afternoon we said goodbye to both Sue and Holly and we all wish them a safe trip home. We then spent a relaxing afternoon at the pool at the Visa Lodge, swimming, reading and enjoying an afternoon off. The weather here has been perfect, breezy and clear and we hope for a wonderful day tomorrow at the beach, si Dieu vle (God willing).

Signing off til next trip, as i leave Monday morning. -Alison

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Allison for a great 10 days.  I'm glad you enjoyed your afternoon at the pool and your staff day at the beach.  It was a great trip as always, filled with indescribable emotions!  Hope you had a safe trip home.  Take good care.     -Sue p.s When do you plan to go back?  I'm trying to figure out my plans now although I have to get the backing of my family since it's been 3 x in 2 years.  But, I will figure it out!
