Antony was born on May 4th of this year with a unilateral cleft lip and cleft palate. This made it difficult for him to breastfeed and he quickly began to lose weight. PID stepped in and found him a sponsor to help the family with the cost of baby formula. This intervention of PID may have saved Antony's life.
May 2016 |
September 2016 |
Antony is now 4 months old and a healthy weight. He went to get bloodwork done today and if everything is clear, he will receive surgery within the next week. We will take him to a private hospital in Antigua that specializes in children born with cleft lip and palate. He will stay in the hospital 5-7 days after surgery and then we will pick him up and bring him home. His parents are nervous and excited.
There are currently 10 children sponsored through PID who were born with cleft lip and palate. There are many more in San Antonio. If you are interested in making a donation to help these children with surgeries, speech therapy or formula, you can do so at:
Each surgery costs $500 (transportation, medicine, hospital fees and lab exams). $60 provides a month of formula or speech therapy.
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