Monday, March 23, 2015

UMass Dartmouth/Atlanta team's amazingly productive week

Its hard to believe that the UMass Dartmouth/Atlanta team has already gone. They had a very, very active week, seeing a total of 103 sponsorship children for our Well Child check-ups, several staff trainings, 2 mobile clinics to the "dump" community of Mohlea, and of course a ton of patient consultations. With two American pediatricians here, Dr. Paul was even able to take a few vacation days during the week.

Here are some pictures from the very productive week:

Carline Mongerard benefitting from the Asthma medication/Inhaler training given to staff by a team member.

Carline (left), our Team member/Trainer (center) and the translator and Pharmacist, Jimmy (right).

Team members brought jump ropes for the neighborhood kids to enjoy.

The UMass Darthmouth nursing students brought 3 large posters (in Creole of course) for the PID staff to use when working with PID patients. The posters give info on breastfeeding and sexual health.

Student presentations

Student presentations

Final debrief meeting where the Team was "drum-rolling" in anticipation of the "awards" for the week.
Mort, holding his "trophy" rock from the worksite, he and another team member were awarded MVP's of the construction worksite. 

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