Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First few weeks!

Hi all,

I've been meaning to post here for a while but the first few weeks have been really busy... but truthfully, its also been really great. I arrived September 5th and Gale was down here shortly afterwards to train me and help me get adjusted. Some things about the role seem familiar to me since I interned for almost a year here while Lizzy Barnes was FD. But interning for Lizzy and watching her work is of course really different than actually working here in that role. :)

A couple of moments and pictures I wanted to share with you guys:

First, last Friday before Gale left threw a party introducing me as the new Field Director and JnOnes St Paul as the new Small Business Director. She made lasagna, salad, garlic bread and pineapple upside-down cake for all the staff.

Here are some pictures from the party introducing myself and Jn Ones as new directors:

Alexandra and Gale plating food for the staff. Sept 12, 2014.

Robert and Rosemarie (and Michaelange at left in background). Sept 12, 2014. 

Sept 12, 2014.

Sept 12, 2014.

Also while Gale was here PID hired the new Director of the Medical Clinic, Carline Mongerard. She and I are both on a learning curve in our new jobs and I really appreciate her sincere approach. Example: this morning first thing when the work day started she sat down next to me with an open notebook and she wanted to know EVERYTHING about PID's history, mission, and the Guatemala and Mississippi locations.

Yesterday we had an introduction party for Carline, but I burnt the cake ( ha ha! - no pictures of that one, sorry!). Carline, on the other hand, did great: she spoke to the staff about why we do the work we do. We do it for the patients, for the people who need our services.

I'll post again soon!


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