Saturday, June 23, 2012

Port-au-Prince Outing

    This morning before a half day's work, the team took their walking tour of Blanchard, visiting people's homes. Rosemarie was so happy for the visit, she came out of her house and hugged everyone. Then the team worked a half day, including a local crowd of Blanchard kids for the children's program. The nurse cleaned out the woundcare room and the construction crew finished filling the foundation of the house. After work, the team and Marcy boarded the bus and headed into town for a trip to the national museum, tour of downtown, stop by the palace, some souvenir shopping, and dinner at Epidor. Jack, an old friend of PID's and who is currently working on another project in Haiti, stopped by tonight. At tonight's debrief, he had everyone's attention as he told old PID stories from years past.

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